Episode 212: Why Does Dave Ramsey Hate Permanent Life Insurance?
David starts the conversation by explaining why financial gurus like Dave Ramsey and Suzzie Orman hate permanent life insurance. With all the financial information floating around on the internet, who do you follow for advice on where to invest your money? David believes everybody's situation is different, but the best people to follow are the ones who are consistent with their messaging. David calls out The White Coat Investor for misleading people that interest rates won't go up, only for him to change his mind when Biden's tax proposals threatened to raise taxes. According to David, there are two sides to every investment advice on the internet. Instead of stubbornly following one narrative and muting everything else, your job as an investor is to listen to both sides of the story and decide based on your current situation. When meeting with an investment advisor, David believes the least you can do is ask as many questions as possible. There is so much controversy around perman...
Ep 212: Why Does Dave Ramsey Hate Permanent Life Insurance?
November 23, 2022
David starts the conversation by explaining why financial gurus like Dave Ramsey and Suzzie Orman hate permanent life insurance. With all the financial information floating around on the internet, who do you follow for advice on where to invest your money? David believes everybody's situation is dif...
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