Episode 276: Suze Orman vs. Dave Ramsey on Sustainable Withdrawal Rates in Retirement
Financial expert and author Ric Edelman has stated that, in his opinion, anyone following Dave Ramsey’s 8% retirement withdrawal strategy is…doomed! The 4% rule has been the distribution rates’ gold standard for over 30 years. However, Suze Orman said that she wouldn’t use the 4% rule on any level. David touches upon what he considers a “massive unintended consequence” of adopting Suze Orman’s 3% withdrawal rate in retirement. According to David, there isn’t a winner between a 3%, a 4%, and an 8% retirement withdrawal strategy. He gives a couple of examples that illustrate why that’s the case. David believes that, to get the best bang for your buck with the highest success rate over a 30-year retirement, a guaranteed lifetime income annuity is – almost always – the best way to go. Mentioned in this episode: David's books: Power of Zero, Look Before You LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code DavidMcKnight.com DavidMcKnightBooks.com PowerOfZero.co...
Ep 276: Suze Orman vs. Dave Ramsey on Sustainable Withdrawal Rates in Retirement
February 14, 2024
Financial expert and author Ric Edelman has stated that, in his opinion, anyone following Dave Ramsey’s 8% retirement withdrawal strategy is…doomed! The 4% rule has been the distribution rates’ gold standard for over 30 years. However, Suze Orman said that she wouldn’t use the 4% rule on any level. ...
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